Mental Fitness  Problem Centered Counseling

Self Healing Through Art  I Life Coaching

Relationship Counseling I Young Adult Counseling

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"Play your life like a song and listen to the harmony it makes. Our living experience is full of bitter-sweet notes. And when we learn to hear our song, we also hear the tunes others play."


Mrinalini Singh is a Counselling Psychologist and Therapist. She advocates mental fitness practices that empower to proactively care for one's psychological and overall well-being. A painter herself, she advocates the therapeutic benefits of Art in fostering self-discovery, emotional healing, communication and social harmony. She also brings with her over 30 years of experience in varied fields, including Communication, Design, Operations and Governance. She brings rich experience of self analysis and inquiry, and uses the eclectic-integrative path to choose the most appropriate method or therapy.
She is currently Head, Research and Development at The Indic Center for Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health.
Counseling is online and available in Hindi and English.

The Psychologist

My Journey

Its been a long journey from studying psychology to practicing as a Counselor and Psychologist. After completing my post graduation in Psychology from Delhi University, I set out to discover and understand the meaning of life. An interview at a day care center for the intellectually challenged had left me stumped. I was asked to spend a day at the center with the clients and found their perceptual ability to be far superior than normal and unfiltered by personal bias. It also made me question my own abilities and understanding of the human experience beyond the theoretical knowledge of books and academic instruction.
I threw myself into the challenge of discovering the world personally, moving jobs every other year, acquiring new skills and experiences in the process. After almost three decades of my professional journey, which included working in corporate communications and the housing industry, the COVID pandemic came as a turning point. I experienced the pandemic and the mental health crisis that ensued as a volunteer, and it brought me back into the fold of counseling and psychotherapy.
In 2021, I enrolled for the counseling in TISS during the lockdown, and since early 2023 have been working in the field. We are living in times of great opportunity and challenge. The integration of technology into our daily lives and the break-down of traditional social systems and institutions poses a challenge, which both systemic as well as generational.  And interestingly the answers we seek are increasingly leading us to the timeless knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors. It is our challenge to rediscover and redefine our knowledge to design solutions that integrate with the challenge of our times.  Our solutions must lead to  mental wellness and  wholesome living for us as individuals as well as a society. My present engagement at The Indic Center for Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health is an endeavor in this direction.

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Let’s get in touch.


WhatsApp: +91-9899415575